I’ve helped many people on their healing journey through gemstone mala jewelry and energy work. 

This page is about the how-to and valuable healing benefit specifically of gemstone jewelry. 

Flourish jewelry represents your personal intentions. The beads selected for each mala match the frequency of the goal you are aiming toward and the mantra supports your positive thought pattern.  

Meditating with your beads and mantra, called Japa meditation, takes your healing process further than simply wearing the gems. Meditation creates a silence from which you can gain inner guidance. This clarity supports your healing.

Included is a tutorial on how-to meditate with your mala and a guided meditation. 

After a few weeks of using your jewelry, I’d love to hear about the changes you have experienced in your life! Please email me at allison@flourishintegralhealth.com.

In health and healing,


16 Iyengar, B.K.S. (1976) Lite on Yoga, Yoga Dipika, New York: Schocken Books, pp. 441.

Guided Japa Meditation

Guided Japa Meditation

Take a seated position, adjust your sit bones, and straighten your spine.

Rest your hands on your knees with your mala next to you. 

Begin to focus inward and concentrate on your breath at your nostrils or heart center. Feel your belly expand outwards with each inhalation and contract with each exhalation.

When you feel centered, begin to ground yourself by connecting to your Root chakra, the red energy center at the base of your spine. Imagine a red circle of light connecting you to the core of the Earth. Re-adjust your spine. 

Slowly bring your awareness to your heart center and imagine a circle of green light residing there. Imagine that light expanding outside your body. 

Now in your mind’s eye, the indigo Third Eye chakra, think about your mantra.  

When you feel ready, move your focus to your mala, and use your thumb to shift the beads. Start with the first bead next to the guru bead, or charm. Say your mantra and lightly twist the bead towards you, then move onto the next bead and repeat the mantra. Continue until you have completed your circle of repetitions, with your bracelet or full mala.

When thoughts arise, let them float away and shift your focus back to the mantra and your mala beads.

It’s best to close with a prayer of gratitude. Namaste.